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103 Taylor Swift Sucks (2009-06-11)

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0:00:31ACC’s week full of meetings; JCD on “gutless” and dangerous Honda 50 scooters; JCD on worthless post-1982 zinc pennies
0:04:34Two of Air France 447 passengers foes of weapons and drug trafficking; tail found, “bullshit” next-generation speed sensors, ACC on pitot tube speed sensor; phony 9/11 Pentagon black box numbers, phony Commission Report 400 mph at 700 feet, Rumsfeld “shot down”
0:12:24And Now Back to Real News: media freakout over Miami storms; NBC’s hour on Taylor Swift, JCD: “she’s basically Mozart!”, Swift: “the problem that I was having with the solo is that it, like, it’s getting a little noodly”
0:20:13209 cosponsors for Ron Paul’s H.R.1207 Federal Reserve Transparency Act; JCD: Taylor Swift “looks like Donald Trump in drag if he was nineteen”, Britney: For the Record documentary; Howard Stern Leno-bashing on Letterman, ACC on Stern’s irrelevance, radio practice at age 15, hospital radio job, Dutch octave-higher voice, John Holden black 24-year-old motortcycle-riding persona; Letterman called a pedophile for Sarah Palin joke, JCD sick of Palin
0:33:35Canadian Natural Resources Minister Lisa Raitt medical isotope shortage “sexy problem” scandal; Gordon Brown at 65th D-Day anniversary: “next to Obama Beach we join President Obama in paying particular tribute to the spectacular bravery of American soldiers who gave their lives on a… on Omaha Beach”, ACC on Sarkozy “Napoleon Crap-head”
0:39:03Sycophantic Charlie Rose to Elizabeth Edwards: “why is sexual affairs so big deal?”
0:41:40Donation Segment: ACC’s $143k tax lien on credit report
0:48:55Constellation guy on collapse of Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs vendetta
0:53:03Props from ACC for Cranky Geeks, JCD’s sweater vest
0:55:41JCD stirs things up with ACC and Micky at Ozumo, empty sushi bar, expensive and pretentious, ACC on sake “water that makes you drunk”, JCD comparison with Nobu
1:01:00Outro: JCD’s spices book nearly done