Call Clooney!

1407 Gob of Goo (2021-12-12)

Show 1407 album art
0:00:00JCD: “I’m surprised they don’t make us drink it.” (0:18:37)
0:00:33JCD’s review of water buffalo milk with “gob of goo”, producer note on New Zealand A2 beta casein milk; Max Verstappen beats Lewis Hamilton in Abu Dhabi
0:06:10Non sequitur-laden NPR report on deadly Kentucky tornadoes, Biden comments on “debris … scattered all over the hurricane’s path”, “everything is more intense when the climate is warming”; new news term “explainer”, ACC: “hey dumb shits, we’ll explain it to you”; shortage of AdBlue urea liquid used in diesel engines to meet emissions standards, “need AdBlue to operate” lie, Chinese pig urine theory, ACC: “pasteurized pig piss!”; Australian vaccination program characterized as “getting the sheep through the gate”
0:24:29US Navy officer relieved of duty after denial of religious waiver; podcast caller’s successful Satanist exemption; Fareed Zakaria “prevent the vaccine spread” gaffe; BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin who was instrumental in “development of the virus” stammers out an explanation of why he is unvaccinated: “we can really continue to vork 24/7 without any interruption” (CotD); ritual humiliation of unvaccinated German schoolchildren, vaccine wristbands, Berlin coffee shops serving the unvaccinated attacked by media; CBS predicts fourth vaccine “earlier than first expected”; NPR brings in Rockefeller Foundation to push flu shot mandate; CEO in scrubs “pitching in” at understaffed Michigan hospital; Kathy Hochul claims “direct correlation” between vaccination rate and hospitalization; UK “Plan C”; New York rolls out the indoor masking again; local Georgia report on children with myocarditis in children of whom “95% had been released with no deaths”; The Lancet predicts population dip by 2100
0:54:10Two recent articles linking vaccines and HIV, OraSure IntelliSwab COVID-19 test ad, 2013 clip of Magic Johnson pushing OraQuick home HIV test; Dr. Reiner Fuellmich lectures Polish governments on the pitfalls of PCR testing; History Channel mulls alien depopulation theories from “ancient astronaut theorists”; “Strahan in Space”, communist NPR “member stations”
1:06:50Biden’s Tonight Show “shoot from the shoulder” promise, “close to sixty years” economic growth lie; CPI to exclude 2021 data, JCD’s nose for gasoline “bouquet”; Tom Hanks memorializes Bob Dole; low-energy Biden mutters “princes” or “f’rinstance” between sentences
1:22:53Producer Segment: JCD marvels at hypersonic single-wheel hoverboards
2:08:06Israel leads Operation Collective Strength simulated financial sector cyberattack, recent Blue Bloods episode and emerging Log4j vulnerability; CNN features Biden’s diagnosis that the economy is “doing incredibly well”, idiotic assertion that spending bill will reduce inflation
2:18:04Dire warning from LAPD union head, $100,000 jewelry robbery at Intercontinental Hotel
2:20:27Producer note on customer data platform and TSA Pre✓ provider IDEMIA; ad for Amazon One biometric “enter, identify, and pay”; mortgage underwriters vs OnlyFans subscribers, Bobbi Eden’s rabid fan base; producer note on the dangers of cameras in the classroom
2:32:59C-SPAN callers “drunk Jasmine” and “drunk white Republican”; British court green-lights extradition of Julian Assange
2:44:14Giddy laugh tells from Susan Wojcicki regarding moderation and future regulation, JCD: “Ben Wa balls”, insincere “we’re excited about podcasting!”; Twitter bans posting of photos taken without consent, ACC: “some idiots are gonna buy Twitter”, ACC’s cryptocurrency scammers; Sylvester Stallone christens himself “the Podfather”; comedians vs Spotify
2:56:57Donation Segment:
3:12:52OoOOooh!” iso