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382 Apathy Syndrome (2012-02-12)

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0:00:00JCD: “You’re mentally ill, lady!” (2:29:24)
0:00:33Rev. Manning whup him with the Constitution!” jingle; Patrick Seale discussing Syria mashed up with Admiral Akbar from Return of the Jedi
0:04:41ACC’s pipeline theory YouTube video; 25 killed and 170 injured in Aleppo explosion
0:07:06Whitney Houston’s death at 48 to be celebrated on Glee, CVC: “that’s not a conspiracy theory, that’s marketing”; Clive Davis and Piers Morgan compare Jennifer Hudson to Houston; “crack is whack” to Diane Sawyer in 2002; ACC: “if anything this was an Illuminati sacrifice”
0:13:55Lucifer Clinton clippity-clops in with Cyprus Foreign Minister to discuss “deepening and broadening” relations; Nabucco-West pipeline dead, undersea power cable plans; Israel LNG contract awarded to Italy, Clinton clippity-clops in with Italian Foreign Minister “who is well-known in Washington”; JCD on California vs “communist” Alaska divvying up oil revenues
0:25:55Greek riots over latest bailout package with privatization revenue target of €50bn
0:30:31Egyptian gas pipeline attacked ten times in 2011; Wolf Blitzer on Anonymous leaking “shocking” details from “secret e-mails!” about Syrian propaganda for Assad’s Barbara Walters interview; “key points” and PR plans from UN and ABC News; “CNN presents Nuclear Standoff next Sunday 8:00 Eastern”, JCD on price manipulation to kill alternative energy companies
0:44:44Producer Segment
0:55:42Al-Shabaab’s “reverse merger” with al-Qaeda, JCD: “how about Shish Kebab?”
0:59:00Valentine’s Day a “gay holiday” in India; WikiLeaks cables from Jon Huntsman covering Chinese gay community, father’s exalted position in Mormon Church, Huntsman Gay Global Capital; skeptical BBC report on Sunni-Shia tensions in Bahrain; February 14 in history
1:09:43Executive Order 12958 Classified National Security Information rubber stamp authority; Eric Holder weasels out of Sen. Ron Wyden’s request for legal authority to drone Anwar al-Awlaki
1:15:09ACC Red Book: JFK plaything Mimi Beardsley and Bill Clinton documentary as omens of Obama revelation; Iron Sky “Nazis from the Moon” trailer, “all presidents who start a war in their first term get re-elected”; Judge Napolitano’s show cancelled as predicted
1:19:36Rep. John Fleming posts reaction to The Onion article “Planned Parenthood Opens $8 Billion Abortionplex”; possible hoax of father shooting disrespectful daughter’s laptop with .45
1:22:50New UK auto insurance partnership with TomTom, “stern e-mail to the driver” for speeding, computer-generated “slow down, slave!”, JCD: “the black box’ll know it’s a woman driver!”
1:30:20Al Cárdenas warning about possible emergence of Jeb Bush at brokered convention
1:34:21USS Gabrielle Giffords, Gabby author Jeffrey Zaslow dead in Michigan car crash
1:36:25Frank Luntz to John Stossel on “taxes” vs “revenue”, Obama’s “no more bailouts”
1:38:34Sarah Palin pretends to have discovered “crony capitalism”; JCD on anonymous ghostwriters
1:41:02Donation Segment: ACC’s awful “the simple joy of being first” McDonald’s voiceover
2:09:46Diane Sawyer on new DoJ settlement forcing banks to renegotiate underwater loans “on a case-by-case basis”; conflicting stories about who is paying for the program, corrupt California Attorney General Kamala Harris, brother-in-law Tony West worth $65M to Obama campaign
2:23:51Dr. Drew Pinsky caller asks about long-term risk from “giving” anal sex, “you gotta make sure you get that Gardasil vaccine … it’s insane not to take it”; Viagra “stumbled upon” as treatment for rare pediatric lymphatic disease just in time for another patent
2:28:55DSM-5 to classify grief and shyness as mental illnesses, ACC: “just give Viagra to everybody!”
2:30:15California to spend an additional $1bn on prisons by defunding libraries