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393 Throwing Yogurt (2012-03-22)

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0:00:00JCD: “I thought this was disturbing!” (1:04:04)
0:00:34Tornadoes in San Antonio, JCD recommends Bermuda rain-catching roofing
0:03:29Kony 2012 producer Jason Russell suffering from “brief reactive psychosis” due to “stressful event”, gay publication The Advocate discloses donations to Invisible Children from anti-gay National Christian Foundation; 33 Senators introduce “whereas”-filled resolution in condemnation of Joseph Kony and in support of AFRICOM, ACC: “to kick out the Chiners”
0:12:23JCD disturbed by Twitter’s recommendation he follow Britney Spears like ACC
0:14:19Obama’s Roswell “if I told you I’d have to kill you” joke for children falls flat
0:18:25HAARP-induced Guerrero-Oaxaca earthquake two hours after yearly preparedness drill, 25 Secret Service agents in place for Malia Obama on school trip kept quiet by media
0:23:09Producer Segment: phasing out forwards like and
0:38:40Executive Order 13603 being interpreted as confiscation of organic farms by National Guard
0:41:59Scientific American article “Effective World Government Will Be Needed to Stave Off Climate Catastrophe”; Swedish study assigns $2T as annual damage to world’s oceans; Arnold Schwarzenegger yammers about his new gig Sustainia with DONG Energy
0:53:22Australian businessman Clive Palmer accuses Greenpeace’s anti-coal activities of being funded by CIA and Rockefeller Foundation; Obama signaling readiness for permitting on Oklahoma leg of Keystone XL pipeline; South Sudan planning underwater Nile oil pipeline to Djibouti
1:02:32Depressed Smash character segues into Cymbalta “blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores” ad with same music; racist radio ad for “food stamps” debit card scam
1:09:11Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter bans “outdoor feeding” of the homeless in public areas for sake of “food safety”; Austin farmer’s market vendors getting paranoid about free samples
1:15:57Tonight Show audience frenzy at mere mention of Ron Paul; op-ed by former GE CEO Jack Welch: GOP better be nice to Paul; Paul to Jay Leno on possibility of two or three votes at convention, Secret Service “a form of welfare”, “Czar or head of the Federal Reserve” joke
1:23:26Timothy Geithner to Rep. Trey Gowdy: needed debt “would make you uncomfortable”
1:26:28The Euro: Greeks throwing yogurt at EU “Greco-kleptocrats”, IMF demands another €12bn in austerity; Pimco’s Neel Kashkari bearish on entire Eurozone; ACC’s friend in Barcelona afraid of being “clobbered” in the street; Gazprom at front of line to bid on the 33% of Greece up for auction; TEM virtual currency; “lazy Greeks” meme vs OECD “hours worked” graph
1:36:35NPR refuses to disclose its 175 advertisers because it would be a “senseless use of time on air and space online”; All Things Considered plugs sponsor 5-hour Energy with miked bottle
1:41:07Donation Segment: JCD addresses producer’s gripe about butane in gasoline
2:10:16FBI warning Congress about “Iran’s A-team of terrorism” Hezbollah lurking in the US; ACC recommends prescient film The Siege with Denzel Washington; Wes Clark Seven revisited; ex-CIA Michael Scheuer to Russia Today: “America is being attacked because of its foreign policy in the Muslim world”, blames “Jewish-American community” leaders
2:18:44Sheriff Joe Arpaio inspecting Obama’s selective service records, JCD dirty trick theory
2:22:39Erin Burnett on police “asso” on Tolouse standoff apartment, confession of seven murders, ACC: “this is Gladio” for the benefit of Sarkozy’s reelection bid; ex-CIA stooge Philip Mudd ends up trying to pin assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist on Iran itself
2:31:52Al Sharpton on Florida teen Trayvon Martin shot after buying “skillets and iced tea”
2:37:58Nodding disease in Uganda “turns children into mindless zombies”; Sharpton “no real confrict!”