Call Clooney!

405 Piles of Pelicans (2012-05-03)

Show 405 album art
0:00:00JCD: “Who is this idiot?!” (2:19:21)
0:00:32ACC’s domain squatter; Americans watching slightly less TV, CNN “mom news”; producer note on “volunteers” forced to attend Obama’s Fort Stewart appearance
0:06:51“Treasure trove” of information from bin Laden /ˈæ.bə.tə.bad/ compound; Hillary Clinton’s assurances in the “sit room” that raid had been conducted “hundreds of times”; White House Insider: Valerie Jarrett tried to prevent Obama from giving go-ahead; Adm. Mike Mullen on raid rehearsals in Nevada; ABC on stepped-up security for al-Qaeda “body bombs”: “the plot is not so far-fetched!”, bomb-maker Ibrahim al-Asiri’s’ brother Abdullah’s attempt on Saudi Crown Prince, “no credible information of an imminent attack” vs John Brennan’s “greatest threat to the US”, JCD: “first off you check ’em for hemorrhoids”, Brian Ross to drunk Diane Sawyer: “they’ve turned up some of the radiation that goes into the body, as well as looking for people who might have had recent operations, might be walking funny” (CotD)
0:22:59Brennan unperturbed by removal of protestor Medea Benjamin at Wilson Center, “individuals that were… put forward for consideration” to be blown to bits by a drone “remotely-piloted aircraft”; the fine old tradition of streaking at sports events and TSA checkpoints
0:33:33Producer Segment
0:41:31ABC laments bullied dolphin stranded near Los Angeles, ACC: “he’s gay, that’s why!”, “would Flipper ever bully another dolphin?” (CotD); Ryan Seacrest joining the Today Show
0:46:18Martin Dempsey reminisces about training Iraqi army and police, ACC story: Dad’s Army scenes with bumbling Iraqis in 2003; Dempsey on ten-year battle against corruption; White House National Drug Control Policy 2012 ignored due to Secret Service scandal, “this is a 21st century approach … it’s progressive, it’s innovative, it’s evidence-based”, lofty goal of 15% decrease in drug use, SBIRT “Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment” insurance bonanza, Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 or Smoke More Crack Act of 2010, ICE expanding “southbound interdiction of currency and weapons”, pseudoephedrine “smurfing”
1:14:05HBO Girls “I have HPV!”, anti-Semitic “I think it was Elijah”; ACC’s “Dr. Deep Throat”: Hologic tests designed to give false positives; producer note on doctor’s “men aren’t faithful”
1:24:56Leveson inquiry finds Rupert Murdoch unfit to run international media company, Louise Mensch irked at outcome, obscure contempt of Parliament charge from the 1950s
1:31:51The War on Chicken: 500,000 chickens killed in poultry farm fire in Ionia County Michigan; NPR Sponsorship jingle, foul smell from million-chicken “agrifactory” near Waco Texas
1:34:21Donation Segment: European elections for Cinco de Mayo
1:57:43Goldman Sachs douchebag tries to sell sketchy investments to an irritated Autodesk founder John Walker; Ron Paul spars with Paul Krugman over role of government monetary policy
2:15:03Radio 4 Today discussion of UK ISPs blocking The Pirate Bay predictably turns to pornography, MP Claire Perry: “why should the internet be different?”
2:19:33Rapper Killer Mike to MTV RapFix Live: “we live in a state where we are hunted”
2:23:22DHS to release “harmless” B. subtilis bacteria in Boston Metro to test bioterror sensors; Time hysterical about publication of H5N1 paper; Elsevier’s journal monopoly
2:29:51Calls for Ban Ki-moon to intervene in Fukushima vs ANS Committee Report, nuclear “expert” Robert Alvarez a pot-growing college dropout married to anti-nuke activist lawyer; windmills causing global warming and killing birds, JCD: “I was expecting to see piles of pelicans!”
2:39:50Morgan Stanley tracking political polarization; ACC’s Galaxy Note, JCD’s Greek joke