Call Clooney!

415 Om the Dome (2012-06-07)

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0:00:00JCD: “You’re watchin’ too much CNN to catch this.” (2:18:06)
0:00:36JCD in Washington state “Studio B” for JMD’s high school graduation stand-up routine; Ms. Micky surrounded by randy first responders after vehicle breakdown
0:07:17“Alex Jones’ MTV Video Music Awards” script for Bilderberg meeting at Mormon-connected Mariott in Chantilly Virginia; Webster Tarpley blows Alex Jones’ mind by discussing Ron Paul’s nepotism and role as “attack dog for Romney”; JCD on Paul’s early exit from Washington; Tarpley identifies privatization architect Anatoly Chubais and anti-Putin agitator Garry Kasparov at Bilderberg, “this is basically saying, we declare war on Russia
0:24:48Lucifer Clinton in Georgia crowing about “territorial integrity” and “military maneuvers” with tie-eating puppet Mikheil Saakashvili ahead of election, “Russia’s occupation and militarization of Georgian territory” lie; Clinton’s next stop Baku Azerbaijan to pontificate about “human rights” amid dueling pipelines; 2009 report on Russian plans for Navy bases in Syria, Libya, and Yemen; Hunt Oil pipeline blown up in Yemen, heiress Swanee Hunt ambassador to Austria under Bill Clinton; Lucifer in Turkey with hair extensions moralizing about “unconscionable” violence in Syria and UN plan for “post-Assad Syria”; next stop Tromso Norway
0:47:28Scott Walker wins Wisconsin gubernatorial recall election, Democrat protestors stage meditative “Om the Dome” event at state Capitol (CotD), heartbroken voter to MSNBC: “democracy’s dead!”; Democracy Now propagates “he had outspent Barrett by a seven-to-one margin” meme ignoring differences in fundraising duration and actual spending
0:56:15Producer Segment: ACC’s voiceover for Horowitz’ The Disciplined Investor
1:01:05Obama’s off-color joke that Michelle “didn’t go all the way down” in push-up contest
1:03:25And Now Back to Real News: foul-mouthed doll, toddler vodka, Elton John vs Gaga; teen hoaxes CNBC with fake escort service; “win an iPad” market research infinite loop scam
1:06:52Diane Sawyer on al-Qaeda “number two” Abu Yahya al-Libi droned in Pakistan, Martha Raddatz: “we are now closer to the ultimate demise of al-Qaeda’s core”; al-Libi on third page of Rewards for Justice list with paltry $1M reward; Bob Orr: “serious hole in its top management”; Leon Panetta responds to Pakistani outrage: “this is about our sovereignty as well”; White House Insider: even Valerie Jarrett disturbed by Obama’s “high-tech snuff films”
1:23:00Mark Toner questioned about Guantánamo Bay prisoners forced to listen to Sesame Street; NPR on USAID-funded Sesame Street clone Sim Sim Hamara to brainwash children in Pakistan; amiable “empty vessel” banter between Toner and Matt Lee
1:31:07Ontario anti-bullying bill with funding for school “rehabilitation programs for bullies”
1:34:13Paul Ryan gripes about healthcare spending bankrupting US without mention of military budget; Donald Rumsfeld’s missing Pentagon trillions revisited
1:38:05Donation Segment: mistreated and unpaid Diamond Jubilee workers
2:02:10Clinton Bush Haiti Fund contributor Newmont given permits to mine $20bn in minerals
2:06:31David Sanger’s NYT Obama smear based on new book Confront and Conceal; Dianne Feinstein notes “enormously smart constituency of journalists”; Jeremy Scahill: Obama’s Yemen strikes “mass murder”; MSNBC struggles with Obama’s Bush-era policies; Erin Burnett plays with water and a funnel; John McCain to Charlie Rose: al-Qaeda “making a comeback”
2:20:13Haiku Herman irked by Obama blaming “cloud that’s coming over from the Atlantic”; JCD on QE3 talk driving markets higher and need for mortgage relief; six German banks downgraded
2:33:47Diane Sawyer on “shut up slave” crackdown on unrestrained pets in vehicles