Call Clooney!

474 Mongolian Hat (2012-12-30)

Show 474 album art
0:00:00ACC: “Everyone’s now puttin’ their kids in front of cameras and microphones and getting them to say things like this:” (child’s voice) “Douchebag!” (0:26:10)
0:00:37ACC’s friend dies at 63; JCD’s “are you around” text, ACC: “a woman answers!”, “I swear to God, John, I thought there was a Russian hooker and you had had a heart attack on top of her!”, Ms. Micky: get used to friends dying, proposed time zone experiment
0:09:51ACC’s Mongolian hat ready to go, JCD’s beaver hat; producer on European war on cash: cardholder-chosen PIN shifts responsibility to cardholder or merchant, “World Elite” card
0:20:25Argo and Benghazi, voiceover of Carter taking credit for hostage rescue, special thanks to Huma Abedin, JCD: “that’s amazing!”
0:26:43Producer Segment
0:53:18Obama: “ordinary folks, they do their jobs”, Geospatial Intelligence Agency’s Wes Hirsch jumps on Google+ thread, “the Jason Bourne of geospatial”, ACC: “the Jason Bourne of cheese” on Wikipedia, “folks are dumb where I come from” from Annie Go Get Your Gun; Obama “deja vu all over again” a Yogi Berra quote
1:02:57Fireworks and machine guns in Amsterdam
1:04:58NSA challenge coin from Anonymous Spook, tip for NSA hopefuls: don’t use the word “spook”
1:06:57“We have lost our signal from the Ron Paul event”; Paul on fiscal cliff: Congress as drug addicts; Feinstein pushes FISA reauthorization, 333 drone strikes
1:16:41AVN award for “best pornstar website”; “Becky becomes a sniper” on Doomsday Preppers, Australian-style gun-shaming, JCD: “National Gun Association”, weapons for deterrence in government vs shitizenry; February’s Chardon Ohio school shooting forgotten; gun sales up 100%, seven days for background check, Lincoln shown to Congress
1:34:05Ira Glass on 99% Invisible’s $170k Kickstarter in CUNY commencement speech
1:37:54Donation Segment: JCD’s ant horror; No Agenda moonshine and Everclear
1:58:4850 US troops in Chad to help evacuate Americans in Central African Republic, ACC Red Book: watch Cameroon
2:00:55Second Half of Show: apparent suicide of SEAL commander Job Price, replacement for soldier relieved of duty; report of Hillary’s involvement in C12 Huron crash
2:08:34New legislation in Congress, “on this vote the yeas are zero and the nays are 414, the amendment is not adopted”, school defibrillator grant, FEMA “mass casualty incidents” grants, JCD on new cars for local department, mental illness treatment disclosure to parents; Obama proclaims normal trade relations with Russian Federation, JCD: “Russian tubes”
2:17:32Retrospective: Mary Kennedy suicide, Kony videographer “naked and screaming”; YouTube crackdown on fake view counts; racial control via criminal justice system
2:24:50Giorgos Papakonstantinou removed family members’ names from “Lagarde list” of foreign bank accounts; wood heat in Athens, brothel sponsorship for soccer team, JCD: “we need some brothel donations”
2:27:52Retrospective: apes painting with iPad apps, Eric Holder on rationale for droning Americans
2:31:10BBC declines to ask why its The Secret Drone War report was shot in Waziristan
2:33:33Retrospective: worm medicine for Haitian children: “you deworm a kid and the worms shoot out usually 24 to 48 hours”; State Department Haiti travel advisory due to “killings, robbery, and infectious disease”; Facebook “die, all of you” from Chardon High School shooter