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575 BIOS Brick (2013-12-19)

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0:00:00JCD: “They take it as truth. They take it as truth? They take it as truth.”
ACC: “They take it as truth. Destroyed. Destroyed. Destroyed computers.”
JCD: “Destroyed computers?” (1:07:18)
0:01:00ACC sick from HAAM event, Texas “mystery flu-like illness”; CVC et al visiting for two weeks
0:07:52Klayman, Strange case ruling NSA collection unconstitutional, James Madison “aghast”; Charles Strange father of Seal Team 6 soldier killed in Afghanistan; Klayman’s mike cut by Don Lemon; Feinstein on SCotUS
0:17:13Advisory panel recommendations: Clark, Morel, Stone, Sunstein, Swire; etymology of “secure”; Chris Matthews Obama interview: “impose self-restraint”
0:38:17Target credit card breach: “I just deal with cash now”
0:40:51Carriers or third party to store NSA data; tech power suck-up at White House: ACC: “Eric Schmidt is laughing like a moron”, Marissa Mayer’s posture; Jake Tapper: “I think the American people, honestly, want security over freedom” (CotD)
0:47:56Frank Church warning about NSA; CBS 60 Minutes NSA piece: “full disclosure”, Bezos CIA server farm; John Miller chosen because of security clearance, lifetime nondisclosure agreement; “bad books”; Anarchist’s Cookbook: ACC: “burn it!”; lowest form of journalism — ask question, pot down the answer, summarize in voice-over; war on sysadmins, eunuchs; “the standup”; BIOS plot to destroy computers (say it three times)
1:10:56Apple, Yahoo, Google as “internet providers” asking for NSA limits
1:12:08A.I. for online collection decisions; recommendation for “civilian” running the NSA
1:13:59Kooky Ed wins the NSA Kobayashi-Maru test with a sheet over his head; JCD: “it could be lurking in the cables!”; Omniture
1:19:55Producer Segment; ACC: “this is not a family show”
1:27:59Al Goldstein of Screw magazine dead: “fuck you Hammacher Schlemmer”
1:34:38Devyani Khobragade strip search; $3.31 per hour; Marie “band camp” Harf
1:40:02War on Crazy: FBI pissed off because Arapahoe shooting stole their thunder; Behavioral Threat Assessment Center, JCD: “prevention through entrapment”; Arapahoe’s armed security per NRA; ACC: “proud to be a socialist, oops!”; Tamerlan Tsarnaev heard voices; 90% fewer psychiatric beds than in the 1950s; oppositional defiant disorder
1:52:24Entremet: Barbara Walters on Obama, “afformidable”
1:54:47Stonehenge makeover; ACC’s Thailand trip to see the long-necks, “baht, baht, baht?”
1:57:57Donation Segment: Club 33 Leonard Nimoy video and articles on the coming ice age;
2:16:11Chinese moon landing: “Jade rabbit rover basks in lunar bay of rainbows”
2:17:30NHK on South China Sea naval near miss
2:21:12Jennifer Lawrence: “why aren’t we regulating things like calling people fat?”
2:23:37F-Russia: “so many people consider President Obama to be the first gay president”; “Elton John with a bra” Billie Jean King and Caitlin Cahow in delegation; RT all-in on anti-American and pro-Syria stories: rebels throwing children out of windows
2:32:33Saab wins Brazilian fighter plane deal; Greenwald/Snowden open letter to Brazil
2:36:48Bezos CIA contract conflict of interest with Washington Post; BitTorrent Sync; Gallup poll: 23% confidence in newspapers
2:47:56Hour of code teaching “the commercial crap”