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583 A Pure Heart (2014-01-16)

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0:00:00JCD: “The Chinese disaster of 2030, I dunno what we’re going to call it.” ACC: “The Chinese population disaster of 2030?” JCD: “2030!”
0:03:06Freedom Controller 2.0: “Pinterest for news”
0:04:06Golden Globes
0:10:04DEA/Sinaloa deal on CNN
0:21:49Mein Kampf e-book sales; high-level military firings; JCD: “Mein Comedy Kampf”
0:38:18Controversy over spinning
0:43:32Charlie Rose on Michelle Obama’s two dresses in Smithsonian; Michelle’s 50th, ACC: “Vay-cay!”;
0:53:56Producer Segment
1:04:39Universal Basic Income “mincome”
1:10:28JCD “ruins the show” with a BSoD
1:19:16Section 215 panel: created May 2011; mixed MKULTRA messages from Mike Morell, 9/11 would have been prevented; Feinstein to Leahy: “my time is up, is that what you’re saying to me?”, “terrorism is up”, “we know they will come after us if they can, there’s a real litany here of fact”, emergency provision, ACC: “get the warrant later, don’t worry about it”
1:25:38Cass Sunstein’s creepy Tourette/lying voice; Franken promoting his transparency bill; Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III: “government can get it quicker”; Ted Cruz on Boston Bombing; Stone on “political dirt”
1:51:56ACC: “Metadata? Kindergarten!”: Clark’s Executive Order 12333 bombshell, JCD: “9/11 should have been prevented; why wasn’t it?”, Brennan and Holder hold the keys
1:59:13Robert Gates’ “fall” down the stairs; “The question is…” verbal stunt; JCD: “he was blinkin’ like a madman”
2:07:14Google, Facebook: give us your cell phone number
2:08:02Freedom of the Press Foundation connection to Mother Jones
2:10:41“…real authentic people that want to serve this country with a pure heart”; Hillary’s enemy list, Kerry’s “blackest of black marks”, Clinton body count
2:14:48Donation Segment
2:28:12Dutch outrage over King’s Olympic attendance; retaliatory Russian report on EU human rights policies; Billie Jean King: “we have not been told what to say, not to say…”, Rule 50 on “advertising, demonstrations, and propaganda” same as “anti-gay” law; American & Dutch anti-gay headlines; JCD on Hotel Mir’s painted-over microphones, Reagan’s “evil empire”; David Satter of Radio Free Europe kicked out for expired visa; Nobel Laureates’ open letter
2:42:52Hassan Rouhani on nuclear agreement: “it means the surrender of great international powers before the great nation of Iran”
2:47:32But in Israel you can still call a Nazi a Nazi
2:48:45China: one-child law relaxation
2:51:08Turkey: IHH charity raided by Gülenists
2:52:52Nigel Farage’s warm welcome to the Greek EU president: “I suggest you call it No Democracy