Call Clooney!

588 Velveeta Shortage! (2014-02-02)

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0:00:00JCD: “I can’t, with authority, answer the question”
0:00:32Licensed rainstick operators; now raining in Austin too; estimating the number of NA listeners: JCD says 100-150K
0:07:12Stonerbowl; Boeing Seattle connection; snipers: JCD: “What are the snipers going to do?”; UK PM on crime dramas; JCD: “Its got bomb written on it you idiot!”; “level 1 national security event”; NFL tax-exempt
0:31:58NPR on Velveeta shortage (CotD)
0:36:34Real Sex episode 33 “Stocks down, sex up”
0:36:50Producer Segment: “Death by Auto Pen” giblet;
0:55:08Thom Hartmann on 401(k) as evil Reagan plot
0:57:21January: Thyroid Awareness Month; February: National Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month, American Heart Month, National African-American History Month
0:58:47JCD recommends House of Lies
1:03:58Banker #3 dead
1:05:53David Medine from PCLOB speaking at GWU: “someone knew ahead of time”
1:10:36Snowden interview on German TV ignored by MSM; Hamburg cell; Snowden on wiretapping the President, ACC: “I’ve got the goods, that’s exactly what he’s saying”; Snowden’s handler/girlfriend
1:19:49National Enquirer: Michelle Obama wants divorce
1:22:06Jake Tapper post-State of the Union interview with Obama on Clapper perjury: “rock and a hard place”, Clapper not following the script
1:26:23EFF document on RSS feed: NSA SIGINT at Copenhagen COP 15 conference
1:28:50CELAC summit: Bolivian President wants to spy on Obama administration
1:30:01Breaking news: Philip Seymour Hoffman dead; ACC predicts heroin; Udall son heroin arrest, fentanyl-laced heroin
1:42:14Donation Segment
1:51:27San Francisco nude protest
1:53:26Heiss white paper reaction from Dutch arm of Amnesty International; GLAAD making hay on F-Russia; JCD: “Say, what, bitch?”
1:59:19Death penalty for Tsarnaev; poll: 33% want death penalty
2:07:46Glenn Beck network panel on San Francisco clean crack pipe program
2:12:242030 rundown: Club of Rome: limits to growth, MIT study on global economic collapse, Times of India, Fereidoun Esfandiary (FM-2030) “transhumanist consultant”, ACC: “I need business cards”
2:16:13“One of the coldest Januaries on record”, icebreakers in the Great Lakes and Hudson River; EPA’s Gina McCarthy: “meet the needs of this President”
2:19:00Guns on Facebook: “Mums Demand Action” #endfacebookgunshows pre-written tweets; Moms Demand Action run by former Monsanto communications executive
2:24:18Insight from a listener on fentanyl; al-Qaeda bases in Turkey; Syrian chemicals to be destroyed at sea; 3-methylfentanyl