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597 Prison Prep (2014-03-06)

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0:00:00JCD: “She should have rabies!” (1:21:19)
0:00:34Show 600 on the Six-Week Cycle
0:01:42Oscars: No Agenda Anthem filler; Kim Novak, JCD: “…and now she looks like a muppet”; native advertising, ACC on Spuds MacKenzie, Apple’s celebrity “loaner” program, Ellen tweet; European identifiable advertising; McConaughey’s God shocker; Pink MKULTRA activation
0:19:43Abby Martin rant, JCD: “what Russia did is wrong; I don’t know anything about it”; Liz Wahl resignation, /puʔɨn/ pronunciation, Pooper interview in RT studio
0:39:26Brolf and Amanpour on Ukrainian Nazis, ACC: “you do not argue with Brolf”; leaked Ashton/Paet phone call; Kerry: “he really denied there were troops in Crimea?”, “You just don’t invade a country…”; Nudelman’s brother-in-law Frederick Kagan; Obama’s got no lines
0:53:54ABC anti-Putin propaganda with martial background music; new Muppet Movie with Russian villain; JCD: “I really don’t think they have a copy of the Arc de Triomphe in Kyiv”; Putin the “booly”; Ukraine ineligible for NATO if it has territorial disputes; JCD predicts this will linger forever; Stephen Cohen to Gwen Ifill on Clinton forcing NATO towards Russia
1:07:35Bureau of Energy Resources Carlos Pascual; New York Times video: Gazprom Ukraine discount cancellation ; TTIP; F-Russia executive orders, now and in the future; chemical company pushback; State Department did not anticipate Crimea development?
1:17:37Snipers not Yanukovych minions, “gosh”, “you have to go lay flowers where the people died”
1:19:52ACC gas leak or skunk? JCD Skunk Awareness Week; ACC on the one Javier passport
1:24:02Producer Segment: 33 bags; February 28 Read Across America Day, Colorectal Cancer Month, ACC: “whoo, ass cancer!”, National Consumer Protection Week; ACC’s Capitol One credit card debacle
1:41:17Oscars Domino’s after-party fundraiser for Haiti
1:44:27California high-speed rail blockage, e-cigarette ban
1:47:26Guess the Movie: Eraserhead, ACC: Blazing Saddles
1:49:50ACC’s rumor from the elites on Obama banging Helle Thorning-Schmidt
1:51:51Bill Gates reclaims title of richest man, so much for giving it all away
1:52:46Prison Prep: charter schools, Robert Redford-produced CNN series Chicagoland sponsored by Allstate; charter schools take smart kids, leave rest to fail: JCD: “charter schools work!”
2:01:31Healthy Surprise: “nature’s most dynamic superfoods”; Dutch figure out the “biological” hoax
2:03:26Ms. Micky: “we’re clear, it’s all good”
2:04:16Subtle climate propaganda: pest insect kill-off, Diane Sawyer on “Jurassic” virus, Chipotle avocadopalypse: ACC: “talk about your forward-looking statements”, Tim Cook’s “take your money elsewhere”
2:11:13Huffington Post Taco Bell, Ben & Jerry’s native advertising; “slate of articles”; World War I propaganda vs reporting
2:18:25Donation Segment: Joris Demmink in court; pronunciation of Xinjiang /ɕíntɕjɑ́ŋ/
2:32:23Zohydro “high-potent, high-dose, long-acting opioid drug” bumper sticker; crushable: ACC: “crush to snort!”; Zogenix marketing department skit; identical stories running everywhere
2:40:42More Netanyahu “Jewish state”; JCD on firing and hiring ad agencies; rush toward native advertising
2:47:38ACC & Ms. Micky going to Mexico for 5th anniversary; possible clip show April 20
2:51:36British royal household nearly broke, ACC: “it’s a dump!”