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661 Speciesism (2014-10-16)

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0:00:00ACC: “I gotta go see this guy, who does he think he is? Oh, it’s the mouse guy.” (1:14:01)
0:00:34GLAAD #spiritday
0:04:33No Agenda Newsletter on politicization of everything; Obama ebola bumper sticker; fearmongering: Republicans on outside threats, Democrats inside; Obama at Andrews Air Force Base: “secondary effects of destabilization economically and politically that could lead to more severe problems down the road”; Anderson Pooper on National Nurses United changing guidelines claim, tube system; Obama kissing nurses; July NNU rally against Kaiser, no PBS coverage; CDC sign-off on Cleveland flight
0:22:08NBC crew ignoring quarantine; CNN explains “clipboard guy”, “the optics of it are concerning”, “optics are not always right”; Amy Goodman on CDC admission of failure to act; Red Book: death panels; 10k cases per week meme, Kerry Carmina Burana “catastrophe”; Erica Payne Agenda Project “Republican Cuts Kill” video; Zuckerberg donation to the CDC Foundation, Kaiser & GE on board; Chris Matthews ties ebola to black voter suppression
0:47:51Producer Segment: No Agenda QSO Party
1:09:28Podcasting Hall of Fame; JCD “Broadcasting is Dead” article, Craigslist killed newspapers, podcasting as radio; Ze Frank; teensy checks from producer
1:22:06Tom Friedman article on Saudi Arabia screwing Russia; ACC’s banker friend on EU subsidies for unskilled immigrants; falling oil, Euro; Russian recourse: pump more and force price lower
1:28:10Kerry on Minsk Protocol, upcoming Milan meeting; Deleware Senate candidate advocating local gas for Europe; French proposal to change Sunday opening laws
1:37:30National School Lunch Week, Blind Americans Equality Day à la Harrison Bergeron, formerly White Cane Safety Day, ACC: “if you want to talk about equality for the blind, outlaw JavaScript”; Kelly Atlas’ rescue chicken: “speciesism”
1:44:58James Risen’s new book Pay Any Price, “homeland security industrial complex”, $4T price tag; Obama: “operation that involves the world against ISIL”; Turkish PKK air strikes, resistance to hosting coalition bases, Erdoğan the Islamist
1:58:40New ISIL training video with US army tents, (meta-)“propaganda”, “this is something that the US Army ranger regiments has really practiced for years”; Hagel on sequestration “stunting and reversing the Army’s readiness”, JCD: “why doesn’t the President just tell him to shut up, or take a walk?”; Josh Earnest on effect of air strikes: “I’d refer you to the Department of Defense … they’ve conducted briefings a couple of times with maps”; “a new report says the Bush administration concealed the discovery of chemical weapons in Iraq”, “administration’s false pretext for going to war”; Dutch No Surrender Motorcycle Club to fight ISIL
2:14:13Brolf native advertisement for AncestryDNA
2:16:01Donation Segment: NPR fundraising skit
2:31:11Queen Latifah on Massachusetts upskirt ruling, “judges have to adjust these laws to apply to today’s America”, Show 598 redux; Capital One front; Grit Magazine
2:43:36White House A/B testing e-mails: “jobs day” vs “job report de-wonkified”, “the typical minimum wage worker probably isn’t who you think she is”
2:47:38Thom Hartmann: “Christopher Columbus was the ISIS of his day” (CotD); no banker and federal worker traffic on Columbus Day
2:50:26Naval exercises near China, US arms sales to Vietnam, Army “Pacific pathways”; Hong Kong “pro-democracy protesters”, Beijing filtering all information about it