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670 Terrorist Narrative (2014-11-16)

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0:00:00JCD: “I’m not superstitious, start the show over.”
0:00:32ACC in New York, battling for connectivity; TSA: no Pre for you; Ranch Hand lubricant
0:09:14ACC’s decent Über experience in New York; forgotten mike mount; JCD’s travel checklist; Carole King musical Beautiful, “no photography!”; 1964 costume birthday party
0:18:29“Hundred likes club”
0:22:18Dutch Zwarte Piet protests; Verene Shepherd redux; protesters bussed in to Gouda from Amsterdam; Zwarte Piet Niet, other UN-backed organizations, Michael Brown’s parents in Geneva, committee against torture, policy of racial division; Anonymous exposing Ferguson KKK members; Russian photos of Ukrainian fighter shooting at passenger plane
0:39:01Obama at G20 meeting: “the appalling shootdown of MH17”; Hollande handshake, Merkel on Putin’s side; Putin portrayed as blowing town early; Swedish spending on enhanced submarine tracking system; Hagel defense forum keynote: “we face the rise of new technologies, national powers, and non-state actors”; White House on “new weapons systems”; Cameron at G20: “extremist narrative” the root of terrorism
0:52:05Producer Segment
0:59:15Peter Kassig beheading video, obvious green screen; hi-res video from Site Intel Group, Rita Katz’ family persecuted by Saddam regime, undercover pro-Palestinian group investigations, interview on Denver ISIS girls: “what is very useful here is our jihadi database”, “they were able to import the war from the password-protected to the mainstream media”; Dempsey on ISIL as “bunch of midgets”, ACC Michael Jackson standing on crate story; bogus Syrian boy rescuing girl footage; attempt to untangle reasons for Saudi Arabian involvement
1:28:56Ask Adam: what’s Ban Ki-Moon saying about Burma? White House fact sheet, paltry $225M in assistance, “35 NGOs local partners”
1:33:30Donation Segment: attractive Croatian women; Sir Tom’s posthumous knighting
1:45:59Robert O’Neill on O’Reilly, ACC: “oh, we threw him in the ocean because, y’know we didn’t want the Muslims to be angry, hey, how’d that work out?”; donating shirt, flag to “room where Osama was living”, “I was sort of on a stage to give an impromptu talk”; brick from bin Laden compound at 9/11 Museum; Bin Laden walkthrough
1:58:54Philae comet lander update; Matt Taylor’s “misogynistic” shirt
2:04:31Glenn Beck’s illness, actors’ ability to cry on demand; “disco ball” neurolinguistic programming, ACC’s Senseo belch, stop sign
2:09:55Return of Feinstein-Chambliss Cybersecurity Info Sharing Bill, indemnification; Jim Langevin, Richard Clark, “deep dive”, self-destructing generators; CERT alert, Dudes named Ben on crappy Windows control systems; “non-state actors”, “aperture of vulnerability”
2:19:40Presidential Memo to USAID on ebola contractor indemnification; Band Aid 30 press event with Bono; bleeding eyeball Twitter icon
2:26:53“Do we have time for search warrants?” trailer; search warrant in missing girl lockdown
2:30:21Juncker’s secret Luxembourg tax deals with companies; Catalonia pro-secession vote
2:34:35ACC answers Dvorak-Horowitz question on insurance enrollment windows: “if the window was always open, you would more than likely not get insurance until something happened”; pet health insurance, minimum $350 vet bill; Ms. Micky’s thyroid medication
2:41:07Dr. Kiki: “the thing that you … hope for is that you get a flu that will be dangerous for the average person”