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694 Bend it Down (2015-02-08)

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0:00:00JCD: “And I’ve had people write in saying aw, that guy’s full of crap!
0:00:34Rain in California, snow in New York thanks to rainstick; ACC New York meetups
0:02:08ACC on zombification trend confirmation at Beatles Rain tribute, selfie with Nurse Tracy
0:08:47JCD on the origin of modern hugging, Bill Clinton as setting the country’s moral tone with hugging and oral sex
0:12:59Brian Williams scandal as second salvo in network war started with Disneyland measles; Hurricane Katrina lies; Howard Kurtz: “a credibility crisis for NBC News”; Williams to Alec Baldwin on “rounds coming into the airframe” (CotD)
0:22:50Biden at Munich Security Conference on arms sales to Ukraine “not to encourage war, but to allow Ukraine to defend itself”; Poroshenko: “immediate release of the khostages”; Hollande on possibility of war, Lindsey Graham on Merkel’s decision not to arm Ukraine: “when you turn down a reasonable request to help defend one’s self, is not our finest hour”; Dutch debate over draft reinstatement; John Mearsheimer to Iffil: “it’s NATO expansion that’s the taproot of this problem”; bloody-lipped new economic Minister Jaanika Merilo; Steven Pifer: “zero enthusiasm in NATO … to enlarge to Ukraine” vs “command centers in Eastern Europe”, old car sound effects on News Hour; Pifer: “it’s really kind of 19th century”
0:42:332015 National Security Strategy, Susan “the twerp” Rice, “international order”
0:46:56Producer Segment: ACC Kennedy “pain in the ass” jet ski story; McKenzie’s Perp Walk
1:02:22Producer ISIS burning man video feedback; Jordanian airstrikes vs ISIS “propaganda” of Raqqa schoolchildren; Prince Charles to meet with King Abdullah; Crusades meme at National Prayer Breakfast, Islamic civil war meme in the media, “high horse” meme; history of the alley-oop; Zakaria on ISIS plan backfiring; Obama: “so as people of faith we are summoned to push back against those who try to distort our religion, any religion” (CotD)
1:27:18James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause: “if he had guts to knock Mom cold once”; Mika Brzezinski on hairbrush spanking, “bristle side down”
1:33:23Ireland hospitals restricting visiting due to flu outbreak, strain “drifted”; White House vaccine-refusal mental disorder petition; Merck MMR vaccine lawsuits over falsified trial data, Mimi’s measles diversity research
1:39:20Donation Segment
1:49:59Tech News: Wheeler’s 333-page net neutrality proposal, FCC not allowed to change Title II
1:55:33Obama podcast on stellar jobs numbers; Gallup article on 5.6% unemployment lie, Gallup CEO: “I don’t think the government is misleading us at all … I need to make that very, very clear so I don’t suddenly disappear, I need to make it home tonight”
2:04:13Jesse Draper’s Valley Girl shilling for Bitcoin: “you can give it to somebody else without any shadow of a doubt”
2:08:57Susan Rice’s contagious cadence, on climate change: “the science is clear”, “groundbreaking climate commitment with China that will … bend down the climate curve”; Christiana Figueres on the task of changing “the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years since the industrial revolution”
2:13:49Obama’s former “body man” Reggie Love to be Cameron’s “chief of stuff”
2:14:58Queen Elizabeth head waiter: passengers can order “literally anything”
2:18:14Jeffrey Epstein victim reporting FBI blackmail; Pentagon Viagra ration
2:19:54Anthem as “second largest” insurer, China blamed, JCD: “this is industrial espionage”