Call Clooney!

785 Hispandering (2015-12-27)

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0:00:00JCD: “It’s the bomb, it’s the cat’s butt!” (1:52:32)
0:00:33“Officially licensed”; Dallas tornadoes and flooding, “scientists say not so fast” on climate vs weather; ACC’s “alcoholic-related” gifts, “I do not park the hoverboard under the tree”; JCD’s “Aflac” buck deer call from JMD, mouse call, “here is The Hoff” keychain
0:09:10TtK learning about Clinton body count, Nichols’ The Clinton Chronicles, Bill to become UN ambassador, then Secretary General; arson at Bill’s birthplace, “55” graffiti numerology; Boy’s Town documentary Conspiracy of Silence, Kern County Pedobear documentary; private rail cars on the California Zephyr,, JCD: “this is one step up from the Airstream”
0:19:23Larry Nichols’ Clintons as underdogs theory; “seven ways Hillary is just like your abuela” “Hispandering”; Sanders’ fired DNC database guy Josh Uretsky an NGP-VAN plant
0:25:41JCD Star Wars spoiler-fest, “there was too much running”
0:39:52Report from “no ebola quarantine for me” girl: “every year children do die of the flu”; Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome drug from 1970s resurrected for FDA approval to the tune of $100k per year, “only rich country in the developed world” meme; ACA co-ops dropping left & right, CDC to change OxyContin guidelines, opposed by big pharma lawsuits
0:54:43London police to leave wounded to die; Theresa May “pernicious issue of cyber-bullying”
1:00:47Black Lives Matter shuts down Minneapolis venues over police killings and “rising Islamophobia” (CotD); 19-year-old Jalil ibn Ameer Aziz indicted by FBI for tweeting; ACC on The Wire tightrope walking gear at customs; JCD: “take his passport and ship him off to Syria”
1:14:51Producer Segment: “I believe” & “I think”
1:54:03Producer: Star Wars’ only black character a janitor; JCD on Christmas gift lists; BLM using Islamophobia to draw in Minnesotan Somalis; US Council on Muslim Organizations: “if you engage in Islamophobia … we’re gonna take our souls to the polls”, “there will be another organization that might be formed from the community”; Sloth-like Obama to Steve Inskeep with “death rasp” on ISIS; Reuters millennials on ISIS green light for organ harvesting from “Research and Fatwah Committee”, ACC: “this is a Bat signal to Rita Katz!”; lapse in camel urine quality assurance; Vienna terror attack warning from “friendly intelligence service”
2:21:21Seymour Hirsch London Book Review article on Turkey as ISIS arms source, Dempsey slipping intelligence to BND, Amy Goodman steps on Hirsch’s “at least here I can have more than three or four sentences”, Dunford the White House lackey, Obama’s private meeting with “Erğodan”, ACC: “that’s rich, Amy Goodman correcting somebody on pronunciation”, Turkey attacking Kurds and Syrian army, UN pass for Saudi Arabia & Qatar
2:20:49Czech President Miloš Zeman: refugees “organized invasion”; “cyber-chaos” in Turkey; Erdoğan talks down bridge jumper; Cyprus reunification talks; JCD: “it all leads me to believe that Obama is a Muslim!”, Daniel Pipes’ articles, Muslim spotter: “Michelle might be”; State Department bumped human rights records for Oman & Malaysia
2:30:08ISIS threatens Israel attacks on heels of Russian strikes; Lawrence Wilkerson on Assad chemical attacks: “I said bull”; possible Schengen status for Georgia & Ukraine; Matt Lee to Kirby on Assad’s “stay” vs “go”: “there has been zero movement on Assad for three years”
2:40:29Donation Segment
2:50:37North Korean “super EMP warheads”; $1.8T budget, visa waiver changes; “techno-skeptics”
2:59:12NewsHour lump of coal for Republicans; medical marijuana enforcement defunded; Robert Downey Jr. pardoned by Jerry Brown; NewsHour on parody origin of White Christmas