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826 Ten Times (2016-05-19)

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0:00:00ACC: “This just in, apparently wreckage has been found.” (1:38:28)
0:00:34Minor addition to Dvorak’s Law: the “lipstick effect”; more Texas flooding
0:06:03EgyptAir MS804 crash for Sunday, “swerved violently” meme; TSA slowdown continues, ACC on half-hour wait at Newark, JCD: no reporters asking “what changed”, “more K9” meme
0:15:33Chaos at Nevada Democrat convention, party chair death threats, Feinstein worries “and he should too”; Goldman Sachs producer on 15-minute Q&A “speech”; Boxer booed off stage, Wasserman Schultz: rules “eminently fair”; Bernie delegate quotes vice chair: “not supposed to be a democratic process”; shots fired into Bernie HQ, Roger Stone’s Watergate link, stealing letterhead, JCD predicts dirty tricksterism, Dick Tuck; Kentucky voting machine issues
0:33:53Sheldon Adelson’s $100M pledge for Trump; Megyn Kelly Trump interview PR for her new book; nervous-sounding Ivanka hounded by Norah O’Donnell; Trump willing to talk to “Jim Yong-un”, “could be a total nut-job” iso; Muslim ban “just as a suggestion” in context, Hillary: “we should be using language as a weapon to divide Americans” out of context
0:45:27Andrea Mitchell questions Hillary’s judgment; Obama uses Rutgers commencement to “slam” Trump; Clinton Foundation whistleblower Charles Ortel: no audits, massive discrepancies in disclosures, “no evidence that the Clinton Foundation was ever approved to be anything other than a library … in Little Rock”, “harbinger” meme; Judge Napolitano on FBI investigation
0:56:28Authors of NYT article: “we kind of changed the format a little bit”, JCD on NYT’s rigid controls, Rowanne Brewer Lane slut-shamed, JCD: Trump “is gonna have to make peace with the CIA”; Bill Kristol’s quest for the third party candidate; new poll indicates “this could be a very tight race all the way through November”, Trump in front should get Hillary spending; Curry-Dvorak Consulting Group propose network strategy
1:17:01Producer Segment opened by Bernie thanking us for our courage
1:24:47Josh Earnest: S.1471 could make US “vulnerable in other court systems around the world”
1:27:03H.R.897 relaxing pesticide & larvicide restrictions for zika; New York City begins spraying, Dr. Dvorak looks into the future: “there will be small heads cropping up in New York”, “positive for zika”, egg-eating fish; CBS leading the witness with “ten times what you normally get”
1:38:37Whoopi Goldberg’s iso-worthy Hillary e-mail rant, “claaassified!
1:43:37Dutch celebrating Formula One driver Max Verstappen
1:45:04Tech News: Echo clone at Google IO, “hey Google”, Firebase framework, Instant Apps, hot presenters; driverless trucks and UBI, French protest labor reform; more police-refugee violence on Macedonian border; Zuckerberg meets with conservatives; Apple podcaster meeting
1:59:24Thumbs-up for “frankenfood” from National Academy of Science
2:02:09International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, & Biphobia; Berkeley homeless “Obamavilles”; Michael Moore’s Where to Invade Next and Finnish schools, Brexit: the Movie
2:09:36Brain professor recommends SSRI book Psychiatry Under the Influence
2:11:48Donation Segment
2:24:41Merkel proposes hiring refugees at €1/hour; Veneto Italy adopts resolution recognizing Crimea as part of Russia; fake training exercise bomb causes British soccer game evacuation (CotD)
2:33:36Back in business selling arms to Libya; Noble Partner exercise near Georgia-Russia border
2:36:41North Carolina bathroom law and minimum wage (for Sunday); stand up/sit down bathroom sign; Robin Wright’s pay parity with Kevin Spacey; ACC recommends Amazon Humans
2:47:51Obama at Rutgers on “the release of carbon dioxide and other… substances”; Hall & Oates