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849 Short Circuit (2016-08-08)

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0:00:00JCD: (falsetto) “I like to see you in your clothes!” (1:40:01)
0:00:31ACC on location in New Jersey, at Jack Ponti’s house; Ponti quit music business for day trading; honeymoon house-relocation gag; Ponti’s Siberian wife, Elliot Easton “which dealership” story, multilingual sprinkle-eating Wanna Be a VJ winner Jesse Camp
0:10:26ACC: “Trump” every 30 seconds; CBS: Trump wackiness overshadowing Hillary’s woes, Chuck Todd on potential “worst five days”
0:14:15MSNBC & ABC baffled by Iran ransom “coincidence”, Obama: “this wasn’t some nefarious deal”, claim in “international tribunal”; Mark Toner welcomes press to “exercise in transparency and democracy”, Matt Lee: “I thought it was an exercise in spin and obfuscation”
0:21:24Hillary’s “we are[n’t] going to tax the middle class”; JCD: MSNBC should have gotten Olbermann for convention; Secret Service “keep talking”, crazy laugh, “Trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals”; “compare what I am proposing to what my hus… my opponent is proposing”; “I must have short circuited it”, asked about African-American friends “I am blessed to have a crew”, “they’ve tried to expand my musical tastes”
0:33:37J’Johnson on DNC hack: no attribution, “preaching” about spear-phishing awareness, DNC didn’t involve FBI directly; 4chan “FBI agent”: possible Huma Abedin video leak
0:42:58Graham Beckel to CNN panel on Clint Eastwood’s “kiss-ass generation”: “I love the poppin’ you guys are doing with this corn”, “post-colonial victim shit”, JCD on ethnic groups as races, The Races of Man, “ethnocentrism”, Jimmy the Greek firing, JCD: accusation “has an impact on the feeble-minded”; Liz Mair’s “loud mouthed dick”
0:54:35Bernie protester’s story of Clinton reforms forcing mother into prostitution; 11-year-old kid asks Pence about damage control role, “nicely done”; “gold-star family” meme, “salute our troops”, Obama casket ceremony photo op, Reagan guard-saluting; American flag clothing
1:05:45More Obamacare insurers pulling out or hiking rates; JCD on cash prohibition; Obama to young Africans: no handshakes or selfies for you
1:12:20Producer Segment
1:20:59ACC’s Libyan driver: better under Gaddafi; fake Charlotte Observer article on Trump dropping out of race; Ash Carter: “we are prepared to do more” in Iraq, “he’ll say, go for it
1:27:27Rio Olympics 50% over budget; producer note, JCD story about American getting robbed four times; USA Gymnastics pedophilia scandal involving 54 coaches; IOC “interactive services” ban; no coffee at Olympic Village thanks to Coca Cola sponsorship
1:43:10Desperate Obama pleads for zika funding: “once again I want to urge the American people to call their members of Congress and tell them to do their job” (CotD); Show 817 pledges and recipients flashback,; JCD story about unpublished article with nonexistent “top five charities” in Silicon Valley
1:57:00Donation Segment: $80.55 “boss” donation
2:08:22WikiLeaks documents reveal “big booze” leaning on marijuana industry, “hits lead to hits”
2:09:46Welsh-Saudi woman caged by father; JCD story about women queued up around embassy; CVC harassed by TSA douchebags over Dutch passport; Obama on ISIS and “open gun laws”, JCD: “that is definitely the stupidest thing he’s ever said”; “Muslim patrol” in Nuremberg
2:20:01Upcoming 200.5 “onion show” for Thursday; ACC’s ongoing porn research, Trump allies himself with Enough is Enough organization, Playboy cover appearance
2:26:24Berlusconi’s AC Milan football team approved for sale to Chinese investors