Call Clooney!

850 200.8 Re-redux (2016-08-11)

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0:00:00ACC: “Feel like you’re ready?”
JCD: “I’m ready, I’m ready, I was born ready.”
ACC: “All right, let’s do it.”
0:00:38Intro to not-so-live vacation show; Show 200.5 promise not to repeat it, ACC’s crap mic, JCD: “you were popping like a son of a bitch”, headphone delay; hello to selves in the future; newbies not grasping meaning of “evergreen”, newspaper misspelled jargon, “iso”
0:08:00JCD’s comedic timing, ACC: “you throw things in there that are usually pretty off-color”; chatroom, Uncle Don’s “neural network recognition” colleagues; the Trump difference in 2016, Professor Dave King note accuses No Agenda being a government operation; evolution of clip use, convenience of online clip availability
0:26:17Show 736 (200.7), first part
0:41:27Show 200.5, first half
1:39:54Show 736, interlude
2:14:58Show 200.5, second half
2:48:38Show 736, last words
3:04:00Weenie and the Butt donkey punch reference; Kevin Wendle “coat-hanger network”; noise gate, ACC: “let the room breathe”; verbal cues vs hand signals; JCD reading his notes in early shows; JCD on harmonica, offense at “hookers and blow”
3:14:46JCD on the nightmare of scheduling dud guests with agendas; open-source nature, low-res copies for Australia, jingle stealing; JCD: “the mainstream media is not your friend”; producers vs a tote bag, high-end artists, boots on the ground in Rio; douchebag origin
3:30:31No Agenda on the road, JCD train museum meetup; ACC “we’ll never do it again” wrap-up