Call Clooney!

884 Lane Splitter (2016-12-08)

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0:00:00JCD: “Yes, I’m triggered now, I’m gettin’ all weirded out.” (2:14:35)
0:00:36ACC’s Max Keiser interview for RT, “let’s call Dvorak”, Keiser Report produced by AP and sold to RT, ACC: “I’m pretty convinced he’s on the spectrum somewhere”, iPhone 6 Plus for shooting video, RT and Voice of America sharing London recording facilities, “famous Harvard professor”; UK censorship of RT by Ofcom; dinner at Fix, bloody mary crisis
0:14:35JCD weather report: “some rain coming”; Bill Nye at anti-AGW conference: “the scientists on your staff — as respectful as I can be — are incompetent”
0:18:48Erin Schrode to Tucker Carlson on Trump’s “ghastly appointees”; SPLC report ignores hate crimes against whites; Carlson leads Schrode into “majority of states” EPA lawsuit trap
0:23:43Young people clueless about Pearl Harbor; public school vs Christopher Columbus; millennial: “as an LGBT person, I’m very scared of a Trump-Pence administration”, decriminalization and marriage equality; Rabbi Abraham Twerski on stress and lobster growth
0:34:37Brian Williams: “fake news played a role in this election and continues to find a wide audience”; JCD on the art of headline writing; Morning Joe challenges Silicon Valley “isolated know-it-alls” to go after fake news, “it’s not hard to stop this fake news if you’re Google or if you’re Facebook”, Pizzagate calls, “y’know, after the about the twentieth I’m like, no, stop!
0:43:47ACC on Pizzagate: “kids have investigative spirits”, Austin YouTuber investigates East Side Pies, “the absolute coup de grace, I’m kidding you not, folks, there were kids playing dominoes”; ACC: “what is missing from Pizzagate is one thing: victims”, Conspiracy of Silence documentary; AR-15-toting Edgar Welch incident at Comet Ping Pong, Kayleigh McEnany raises Jeffrey Epstein, Brian Stelter: “are we really gonna do this?”
1:01:00NPR on legal recourse for fake news, “tort” meme; fishy pizza joint names: “Lane Splitter”
1:11:52Producer Segment: producer feedback on James Mattis’ “cult following”
1:26:43Thieves cloning radio frequency car key fobs, JCD recommends Faraday bag, ACC’s HTs
1:37:22CDC guy to NPR on treating drug addicts at ebola facilities: “CDC is not providing the marijuana, but we’re supplying the cocaine”; marijuana “gateway drug” memes on NFL Today; ACC’s Oz Gorrilla from Danny the Drug Dealer; producer psychedelic mushroom instructions, psilocybin for cancer patients revisited; over-articulating Boxxy inflicted on ACC, “vyvanse”
1:55:08Brian the Gay Crusader on Mike Pence’s LGBT protections in Indiana vs federal law
1:57:33Angela Merkel re-elected, all-in on burqa ban; Matteo Renzi resigns after referendum; push for publication of Brexit scheduled; J.P. Morgan Chase, HSBC, and Credit Agricole fined over Euribor rigging; potential debt relief for Greece, Athens riots on police shooting anniversary
2:11:16Producer describes symptoms of misphonia
2:18:19Donation Segment: JCD’s family to attend Los Angeles meetup
2:27:18New York Times hit piece on Tomi Lahren, JCD on newspaper misspelled jargon like “graf”, Trevor Noah goes after Electoral College; Chris Matthews on presidents learning to dance
2:43:22Canadian town apologizes for threatening drunk driving arrestees with Nickelback
2:43:52Obama reneging on Boehner deal; Gayane Chichakyan on State Department pulling out of Syria deal with Russia, Kirby hems and haws, ex-CIA Larry Johnson on White House “camps”
2:52:30Obama: “no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland”; Josh Earnest Audacity filter, Congress blamed for failure to shut down Gitmo
2:57:07Pentagon report on saving $125bn buried; Trump dismay over cost of new Air Force One planes; Gen. Jack Keene: “we need a CFO, not a comptroller in DoD”