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915 One Belt One Road (2017-03-26)

Show 915 album art
0:00:00JCD: “Mmmm!”, ACC: (laughing) “Yum!” (1:56:35)
0:00:34ACC’s pronouns “Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich”
0:01:23Ted Koppel on CBS Sunday Morning: “increasingly, we Americans occupy alternate universes”; CBS This Morning drops in stand-up segment with two-year-old’s “dude, grow up”
0:09:12Breaking News: hunt for Joseph Kony ending, Kony 2012 video producer freakout
0:11:45EU Rome Declaration, “big on big issues and small on small ones”, signed on the wrong line, JCD: “the guy’s date signed”; McCain at Brussels Forum, Maxine Waters the “junket queen”, new jingle, McCain: “we now see that New World Order under a type of strain that is never seen before”, “six million refugees” meme, last 70 years “one of the greatest periods of peace”
0:24:56Erdoğan warns EU “if you continue this way no European in any part of the world can walk safely on the streets”; Bill Maher on EU Islamization, Indonesian “two-finger test” for female police; Brit rants about 50k Inspire downloads; Louise Mensch: attack unrelated to Islam
0:35:58US/UK laptop and tablet ban, ACC: ploy to promote US carriers, JCD: ploy to access passengers’ hard drive contents; Canadian school system cancels trips to US
0:45:22Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power; ACC story: Pebble Beach golf humiliation; Miami Beach limestone revisited, Obama “fish are swimming through the middle of the streets”; Gore on “sea level predictions”, fish in Miami Beach, cinéma vérité
0:55:27Microaggressions explained to Colbert, “melting pot”, new university policing efforts
0:59:05Gore atmosphere “thin shell” meme, “man-made heat-trapping pollution”, Moore’s Law analogy with renewables, “gates of Hell opening” in Syria, livestock “killed”, climate change responsible for Brexit, Georgetown TX 100% renewable; NPR on Georgetown switch; ACC on nearly-bankrupt SunEdison, homogeneous grid 10% renewable, yieldco scam, 2016 $6M loss
1:20:20Producer Segment: Rev. Manning on Kellyanne Conway’s “money shot”, “jungle fever!
1:36:07China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative, former Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Bob Carr urges restraint on Scarborough Shoal; Canada all-in on Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
1:50:13“Day without Facebook” over “white supremacists” getting activists banned, ACC: “must be a ghost town right now”; CBS on fake news Twitter “bots”; Bon Appétit “put an egg on it”
1:56:45ABC cognitive dissonance with Devin Nunes “no wiretapping of Trump Tower” and “Democrats are fuming”; Lindsey Graham: surveillance “disturbing”; William Binney on NSA surveillance of Supreme Court, “they pick up the pieces and clean up the blood after the attack”, “it’s like the Praetorian Guard”; Trey Gowdy on Comey refusing to confirm leak investigation
2:10:22Rep. Eric Swalwell propagates “attacked by Russia” meme, “largest attack that our elections have ever seen”; McCain: Russia “one of the greatest threats to stability in Europe”, Curtis Scaparrotti: “we need … a whole-of-government information campaign”; chaos at Belarus rally
2:17:19Donation Segment: fired by NASA for revealing Space Shuttle flaw
2:31:08High production values on Trump NASA Transition Authorization Act podcast
2:33:51“Stinging defeat” of Trump healthcare bill, Scott Pelley: Trump “still an apprentice in the science of politics”; Mark Shields: bill “abomination”, “because nobody knew what was in it”; Scott Adams on upgrade from Hitler to incompetent
2:42:20NYU study: same-sex relationships in 46.6% of girls; Abedin working on Weiner marriage
2:44:32Robert Mercer and Clinton body count; Clips On My List jingle; On Point “Steve Banyan”
2:50:26Israeli police arrest teen for Jewish center bomb threats; Brian Williams back; Graham Spanier convicted of child endangerment in Sandusky case; Donna Brazile cops to leaking questions