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931 Putin’s Playbook (2017-05-21)

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0:00:00ACC: “No, no they won’t, no.” JCD: “Yes they will.” ACC: “No. No.” (2:00:01)
0:00:36Phrase from the Chaise: “jackrabbit start”; JCD’s “Tourette’s by proxy” pre-stream sound effects, Zephyr dome car; Professor Dave King “I’m unsubscribing” note; Smith-Mundt Act
0:04:16Comey testifies DoJ did not order him to end investigation; Stephen Cohen on Hillary running in 2018, Cummings: “we cannot afford to lose this one”; Bill Maher: “he’s out by Christmas”
0:14:36Robert Sapolsky on frontal cortex vs amygdala, “love drug” oxytocin hormone, “neuromarketing”, “when it comes to out-group members, it makes people more xenophobic”, Dutch runaway trolley experiment with “Wolfgang and Mahmoud” (CotD), Amazon fake oxytocin nasal spray offerings; Australian PaxVax organization spraying cholera vaccine
0:28:11Comey-Trump “embrace” bullcrap; Maxine Waters on “Putin’s playbook”, Arctic oil development, “he does not care about them having to invade the Crimea”, “connect the dots” for impeachment, Mnuchin: no waivers for Exxon to cooperate with Russia
0:39:06Bill Maher to Boris Epshteyn: Russian election meddling “settled science”; Rush Limbaugh all-in; anonymous “doctor” 4chan post on Seth Rich injuries; Trey Gowdy disqualifies himself for FBI directorship: “the country deserves a woman or a man who is devoid of political taint”, Comey’s access to classified information; JCD Red Book: William Bratton
0:55:24Matt Lauer on inability to “drive headlines” with special counsel; Stephen Cohen debunks Trump “short attention span” meme, Time White House-Kremlin cover; Get Me Roger Stone documentary, Reagan “make America great again”; Cohen on NATO’s post-Soviet irrelevance
1:02:22Trump’s Saudi Arabia visit and $110bn arms deal, “jobs, jobs, jobs”, Saudi transition from oil to banking and tourism, Saudi-Iraq border “Maginot Line” wall; coffee servers wearing .45s, shemagh headband adornments avoided by radicals hanging around Priebus and Kushner, red carpet malfunction, Comey “nut job” non sequitur, drinking tea with left hand faux pas
1:17:34Anderson Pooper to Jeffrey Lord: “if he took a dump on his desk you would defend it”
1:19:32Producer Segment: Congressional Dish drops Geoff Smith song; Scarlett driver nightmare
1:48:22Sweden drops Julian Assange case, Pompeo: Assange “a fraud”, former MI5 woman: agencies “mad as wasps” over Vault 7, administration “reopening black rendition sites”; Anthony Weiner’s upcoming “suicide”, Snowden also in jeopardy, ACC: Chelsea Manning “kinda hot”; Kim Dotcom Seth Rich tweets; cheers for Bill Maher on Roger Ailes’ death; Jake Tapper on presidential assassinations; Trump “witch hunt”, “old school” Dennis Prager
2:03:29Dimension B: Prager anti-Semitism “100% lie”, Tara Setmayer on Jews “savagely attacked on social media”, Lemon: “just because he’s black it doesn’t mean that he is aware”, ACC: “he’s not woke!”; BBC cuts off John McLaughlin at mention of Hillary’s Russian money; Tuck Buckford Alex Jones impression, “now, a sincere forced apology”, Jones on “insanely hot” list
2:20:47Donation Segment: Maine “Mainiacs”; RN on fentanyl, morphine, and Dilaudid
2:32:38Producer Drew’s bias incident at leasing office against Trump supporters
2:33:53Confederate statues being taken down in New Orleans and elsewhere, NewsHour guests both all-in on removal (JCDPPotD), ACC on “stop anime” culture clash, PBS favoring BBC
2:45:081332 migrants dead or missing; police cover-up in Berlin Christmas market attack; Dutch King “moonlighting” as pilot; Turkish man arrested after disrupting American Airlines flight, Turkish Embassy goons beating people up; Iranians re-elect Rouhani; East China Sea tensions; Duterte on oil drilling: “if you force the issue, we’ll go to war”; CIA crackdown on CIA assets
3:00:40Madam Secretary anti-Muslim “they’re after the Pope?” scenario