Call Clooney!

9 No Agenda 009 (2007-12-22)

Show 9 album art
0:00:17JCD on last-minute Christmas shopping “travelers”, ACC enlists CVC’s spying prowess, Mimi “edict” on used & handmade gifts, JCD’s house interior “eclectic”
0:03:50Steven Brill’s Verified ID contractor for TSA CLEAR program, ACC: “my wife doesn’t want me to talk about this stuff any more”, JCD proposes “you want my autograph” experiment; ACC reading Confessions of an Economic Hit Man; 9/11 truthers at KGO handing out DVDs, WTC 7, nutty Alex Jones, black box FOIA altimeter discrepancy; J. Orlin Grabbe on Clinton body count assassination via plane crash, disappeared from internet
0:19:56Election disinformation campaign beginning, Rush Limbaugh’s “the Huckster”, McCain-Giuliani ticket vs “flu-like” bug, McCain getting “cocky”, JCD: next president Republican
0:29:32Filibuster over telecom amnesty in new FISA law
0:33:01JCD’s folded printout note-taking regimen, “a million people probably already sent you this” notes, JCD on calling in car accidents
0:36:58Kissinger on unwinnability of Iraq and Asian “saving face”, $1T sovereign fund for Saudi Arabian infrastructure, Waterworld “go juice”; JCD “French → IBM” note; sexual harassment and unpublishability of office romance book, freedom of speech issue
0:46:28Best of Show with Fred Willard, handicapped skateboarder joke, ACC story: insulted by Martin Mull at CableACE “ditch digger” awards
0:50:55In search of an opposite to Rush Limbaugh, Oxy deafness; JCD on summer factory jobs
0:55:57FBI to build $1bn biometric database
0:58:21JCD’s Christmas in Washington; Google feed comparison; Patricia fooled by Yorkshire Tea