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111 Atlas Shrugged (2009-07-09)

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0:00:00JCD: “Yeah, that’s what I want, I want Google having all my mail.”
0:00:42Door-to-door house searches in The Hague looking for “problems”, threatening letter: “you are obliged to cooperate”; EPA head “smug creep” Lisa Jackson, Horowitz’ “crap and trade”, dodges question from John Barrasso on ineffective climate change bill “unabridged dictionary”, pro-nuclear Tom Carper crawls out of the woodwork, “reboot” meme, T. Boone Pickens opts out of Texas wind farm scheme
0:14:02Gazprom-Nigeria oil deal giving rise to corporation “Niggas” (Nigaz)
0:16:04Bay Area TV stations refusing to run “we’re marijuana consumers” ad
0:19:20And Now Back to Real News: factory worker dies after falling into vat of boiling chocolate
0:20:03H.Res.600 recognizes “global humanitarian” Michael Jackson, Mimi’s castrato theory, Neverland pulled from auction; Bertelsmann-KKR music licensing venture
0:27:47Stolen Goldman Sachs high-frequency trading software and market manipulation
0:29:29Dengue fever kills 165 in Sri Lanka, overshadowed by two new cases of swine flu; two vaccine doses per person in Netherlands, hysterical marketing over who is first in line; Maryland parents facing jail time over failure to immunize against chicken pox; Antwerp University testing swine flu vaccine, “expected to become more deadly” meme; Kathleen Sebelius on flu PSA contest, JCD: “what kind of bullshit is this?”, @FluGov
0:43:41H.R.1388 GIVE Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act “mandatory volunteerism”, JCD: you will obey!; Monsanto stooge Michael Taylor joins FDA as advisor, terminator seeds and bees starving to death, white-nose syndrome in bats, phony story on Sri Lanka misquito control bacteria from Cuba
0:55:09Lee Iacocca’s Where Have All the Leaders Gone?, “the press is waving pom-poms instead of asking hard questions”, ACC recommends Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, JCD: “oh God no, don’t read that book ladies and gentlemen, it’s boring!”; EFF video on printers producing nearly-invisible yellow dots, CSI shows tainting jury pools nationwide and EMP weapons, Starfish Prime nuclear test; Mydoom virus variant attacking government web sites and Washington Post; HEMP high-altitude electromagnetic pulse, turn down your speakers! clip, 2 megatons at 250 miles to affect entire continental US, HPM high-power microwave weapons, illegal Berkeley cell phone jammers; Pakistan “not a real country” meme
1:20:07White House e-mail on H1N1 “fall vaccination program” signed “Kathleen, Janet, and Arne”; JCD dengue fever tip: do not take aspirin; producer note calling out ACC for potentially killing billions with his vaccine avoidance advice