Call Clooney!

209 Escrow Schmeshcrow (2010-06-17)

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0:00:00ACC: “Could you please stop referring to assholes as my friend?” (1:36:18)
0:00:39BP CEO Tony Hayward “doofus British actor” in spotlight; new HBO season and oil leak cam
0:02:39Deepwater Horizon relief well and “volcano” in Gulf; JCD’s MIA Merck Index, H2S fart gas
0:06:06Producer Segment
0:09:05End-of-show Jon Stewart rundown of presidential “foreign oil” quotes through the ages
0:11:53And Now Back to Real News: potential child porn charge for Perez Hilton over Miley Cyrus upskirt; JCD on “naked eight-year-old” stick figures; The Good Guys streaker as sex offender
0:16:47Senate proposal for Obama internet kill switch
0:18:36ACC’s interview with Howard Stern, JCD: “it would be nice that, if you maybe mentioned your partner, ‘cause it was my show, my show, my show”, ACC: “oh, Dave Winer, is that who I’m talking to?”, Adam loses his shit [Editor’s note: the following ten minutes are excruciating.]
0:28:30Uninspiring movies Rebel Without a Cause and Rosemary’s Baby
0:31:02Obama & BP settle on $20bn in escrow account, reported by Wall Street Journal as “fund”, 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund paymaster Kenneth Feinberg in charge, BP attorney Jamie Gorelick also on 9/11 Commission; Lindsey Williams abiotic oil theory; fluctuating H2S and VOC levels; Democracy Now on BP gas mask ban; fishy Navy and Coast Guard activity
0:48:23Bloomberg on MaCondo well concrete issues two months before accident; ACC predicts production move to Brazil and Haiti; Rep. Ed Markey on oil companies’ “virtually identical” response plans, protection of walruses “which have not called the Gulf of Mexico home for three million years”, ACC: “Obama is in their pocket”; natural gas phase up next with Nabucco pipeline
1:01:25SEC FOIA response on 9/11 airline put options: relevant records destroyed in WTC 7
1:04:02Janeane Garofalo gripes about disappointing Obama presidency to “Behar henhouse”
1:08:52Jon Stewart on Obama “we pray for the people of the Gulf”: “what the fuck was that??”; Egyptian Foreign Minister Aboul-Gheit: Obama and entire family Muslims; JCD on birther Honolulu newspaper “smoking gun”; Thom Hartmann on Tom Delay staff insider trading
1:16:01Producer note on Fitbit “fitness and sleep” tracker; new Healthcare Act salt & sugar guidelines
1:21:32Donation Segment: iPad caches; Joy Behar’s viewership numbers
1:32:05FAA to begin addressing drones for “civilian and law enforcement functions”
1:34:31Afghanistan “Saudi Arabia of lithium” and other minerals; Robert Gates to Patrick Leahy on end game: “I think that we are regaining the initiative”, “Leahy law” for human rights, JCD on 26-year CIA “pallor and hair color”, “that said” transition from trillion-dollar cost, “it is a level that certainly is sustainable”; David Petraeus on “stunning potential” in mineral wealth
1:47:56Iran to send aid ships to Gaza, Geithner labels fleet terrorists; Grit TV’s Laura Flanders on “quarter-size” hole in Chevron pipeline leaking 33k gallons into Utah waterway, Gulf of Mexico rupture, JCD .357 magnum theory, drones and helicopters for pipeline protection
1:55:27Australian company Macquarie buys US newspapers to silence opposition to toll road construction under eminent domain; PBS fund raising with Ed Sullivan clips and Paul Schaffer
1:59:50UK considering ban on driving with any blood alcohol level, JCD on using Tums to curb cigarette craving; ACC on solar activity cycle and ten meter band radio propagation, NASA “bolt of lightning” warning; Prius “it’s amazing” ad, “Lane Keep Assist”
2:05:54Planes “punching holes in the clouds” blamed for odd cloud rings, curiosity “as far back as the 1940s”; recent release of 1940s-era CIA documents; JCD on chemtrail “Gaussian dispersion”
2:13:19ACC Howard Stern apology phase one; announce to the affiliates show is going long