Call Clooney!

355 Flying Antenna (2011-11-10)

Show 355 album art
0:00:00Excerpt from pre-stream with Die Walküre
0:02:01Crackpot Command Center being packed for Austin move, Range Rover air suspension work
0:06:44FEMA’s Emergency Alert System test failure as a give-us-more-money scam
0:10:17Eric Holder refuses to answer question from Sen. Chuck Grassley on leaked whistleblower retaliation documents: “in a different time in Washington, I’m not sure that what you just said would have been shared with everyone here” (CotD)
0:19:04Jerry Sandusky “buggery” scandal at Penn State University eclipsed by “Herman Cain week” distraction; Obama “I was told not to mention football at all” and “I know this is a sensitive subject” gaffes; Pedobear cover-up by Child Protective Services and Penn State; Mark Madden to WEEI on Sandusky and Second Mile Foundation “pimping out young boys to rich donors”
0:27:27Dianne Feinstein attempting to exploit Fast & Furious for gun control agenda; John Cornyn grills Holder on Operation Wide Receiver: “are you wingin’ this, or do you actually know?”
0:33:25Producer Segment
0:44:59RAF Red Arrows pilot killed in Hawk T1 ejector seat and canopy mishap
0:48:36Christine Lagarde’s “clouds on the horizon” from US unemployment, “downwards spirrel of uncertainty” risk; JCD’s employed Generation X3 millennials; Haiku Herman’s Nazi propaganda video; British MP John Redwood inquires about the plans of “the leaders of Euroland”
0:59:52Range Resources PR head Matt Pitzarella at oil industry conference on using psyops to promote fracking: “we are dealing with an insurgency”, Rumsfeld’s Rules “kind of my Bible”
1:07:20French media suppress story of Sarkozy and Obama bitching on hot mic about Netanyahu at G20 in Cannes; Gene Simmons insults Sarkozy in Hungarian as shameless plug for
1:11:53Obama continues 1979 state of emergency in advance of IAEA Iran report, “evidence” from anonymous country and Libyan documents claiming a bomb is in the works
1:15:14$0.15 USDA Christmas Tree Tax; ACC Red Book: 700 MHz auction for AT&T’s 4G rollout
1:21:23ACC’s complaint form for Clinton Foundation’s 2010 IRS Form 990
1:24:43Martha Stewart interviewed by idiotically laughing Marissa Mayer
1:26:38Rick Perry’s debate blunder: “it is three agencies of government when I get there that are gone: Commerce, Education, and the — what’s the third one there?”, “oops”
1:31:12EU mandating LIP “lower ignition propensity” cigarettes treated with a “natural substance”
1:34:01World Vision Christian NGO rules for workers in Mozambique: “do not touch sexual areas of the body or have sex with the child”; flame retardant PBDE polybrominated diphenyl ether
1:38:42Win Lose or Drone: Germany’s Northrop Grumman EuroHawk “flying antenna” spy drones
1:43:41Nancy Pelosi blatantly lies to Jon Stewart about Democrat-controlled Congress failing to pass meaningful budget reform “because the Republicans would have filibustered”, Republicans “do not believe in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, clean air, clean water, food safety, public safety, public education” according to “seventy-one year old bag” (JCDPPotD)
1:46:38Runner’s World magazine’s history of collusion with advertiser Nike
1:48:56Donation Segment
2:04:11South Park meets The History Channel; House “vagina” and Melissa McCarthy “bajina” story
2:06:52Ahmadinejad promises to defeat rivals “through or thinking and our software”; Lucifer Clinton’s Libya lie-fest: “President Obama promised that our front-line involvement in the military action would last for days, not weeks, and it did”; Jesse “Boots Electric” Hughes a listener
2:15:21ACC talking to MSNBC about Michael Jackson’s murder from Show 110 for end of show