Call Clooney!

478 Cranks and Firebrands (2013-01-13)

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0:00:00ACC: “We’re proud of being the bullies of the world, OK, that’s what we do!” (2:22:02)
0:00:33ACC back in Camp Mofo, house entropy; Sir Gene Naftulyev’s arrival, FBI hoodies; KLM “economy comfort class” bag limit; Airbus metal in-flight entertainment box; ACC: “a thousand people at customs”, Global Entry promos, shift change, “what food did you bring in” trick, Ms. Micky’s passport in plastic bag, second flag, ACC: “Micky, forget it, let’s just go through the slave scanner!”; ACC’s escalator run mistake; Ethiopian cab driver adventure, JCD: “well, the moral to the story is: ain’t travel wonderful”; JCD “personal use” tip for food
0:24:28No Agenda moonshine (and documentation) in the mail
0:27:09CDC: flu now at “epidemic levels”, flu season “sooner than expected”, JCD reishi mushroom cure; “worst … in ten years”; JCD on lack of sick leave, new 57% effectiveness number, “millions of people can die”; WMD meme; ACC: “I have a feeling the Erin smells kind of like … when you smell a newborn baby”
0:35:53Producer Segment: “feet in the air” at wedding; Captain Fred at Podcast Awards
0:49:20Miss USA New York win an easy prediction, no JCD report
0:50:50Brookings Institute marijuana legalization event, states opting out of Federal code, Bond v. United State chemical weapons case, effects on international treaties, Bolivia’s coca precedent, aiding and abetting & banking question
1:05:00New 2% payroll tax hike; Obama: “today I want to update you on how we will end this war”
1:06:48Biden on “visual image” of six-year-olds “riddled, not shot”, “even if what we do saves one life”, JCD: “I think we should ban skiing”; Anderson Pooper spends 20-minutes “debunking” Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy’s blog post, “I don’t even really know what that means … what the words coming out of his mouth mean”, “beyond crazy”; Among the Truthers author, “Google Emily Parker” meme, classes of conspiracy theorists: “cranks and firebrands”; Pooper: “nothing remains secret for very long”
1:34:49Upcoming Chicago cyberterrorism drill; Massachusetts removes violent arcade games from service plazas, video games vs Hollywood; Piers Moron called out for calling Larry Pratt “stupid”, Red Book: Morgan takes one for the team; ACC: “the NRA is not your gun friend”, Obama’s “civilian national security force”
1:46:26Donation Segment: dueling rainsticks; Aaron Swartz theories
2:13:36Gitmo $850k per person per year, former prosecutor Morris Davis: CIA drone program not covered by laws of war, “I don’t recall President Bush having a kill list” (CotD); Israeli infrastructure under-prepared for war, state-funded gas masks; RT twerp on pullout in Afghanistan: “that makes Americans the world’s bullies”
2:22:41Third anniversary of Haitian earthquake, “well-intended” NGOs, Jonathan Katz on irony of UN bringing in cholera; Digicel Marriott, donations used to service debt to France
2:29:32Mali prediction, France now bombing terrorists; women binge drinking meme in Pakistani newspaper; high-profile celebrities publicizing marijuana
2:31:33Scotland Yard releases Jimmy Savile report, Papal knighthood, 1955-2009 time span, 214 abuses, 34 rapes, 8-47 victim age range, JCD: “more good work by Scotland Yard!”
2:34:44Obama visits Pentagon clinic for checkup, ACC: “what, do they need to put new batteries in him or something?”; cough medicine to treat pseudobulbar affect