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561 Neuroelasticity (2013-10-31)

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0:00:00JCD: “Oh, and then we did this, I’m great, I hope everybody listens to me!” (1:00:41)
0:00:37$1031.13 donation opportunity missed; Andy Carvin’s iPhone to be displayed at Smithsonian
0:05:37Halloween costumes; ACC speaker system with Wilhelm screams and Club 33 track
0:10:24Boston wins World Series; dinner with the O-bots coming up
0:13:52H.R.992 “swaps pushout” debate, David Scott: “712 trillion dollar piece of the world economy”, “wrongbuilding”, “shenanigans”, Dodd-Frank section 716, ACC: “Citigroup has probably about half of the world’s derivatives hanging off of their nutsack”, “the Citigroup bill”
0:22:36Banker FBI Director Comey swearing-in in Holder’s office, J.P. Morgan probe
0:27:52Mike Morell on 60 Minutes, 33 years in CIA: “most serious compromise of classified information in the history of the US intelligence community”, “black budget”, NSA $10.4bn vs CIA $14.7bn budget, NSA 23k vs CIA 84k employees, where does NRO fit? Kaiser Alexander on the defensive; Morell on drones: “…another attack on the homeland that would have rivaled the scale of 9/11”; pallets of money to Karzai “foreign assistance”; Petraeus & Brennan purged
0:47:50Omidyar as Greenwald’s “protector”
0:52:12Booze, women, humor OK in CIA, no drugs; JCD speech to the fun-loving morticians; NSA MUSCULAR program GFE with smiley face “girlfriend experience”
0:59:18Michael Hayden off-the-record interview tweeted; CIA drones grandmother; Greenwald: Alexander most powerful man in the military; Russian spying at G20 summit with USB stick “bug”
1:07:33Mike Rogers: “you can’t have your privacy violated if you don’t know your privacy is violated”; Alexander: “we do not have access to Google servers, Yahoo servers, dot dot dot”; Clapper not sworn in when he lied to Congress, talking points document FOIA’d, “spy” air quotes; Carney dodges Merkel question; ACC on setup with Digex, NSA and FEMA black boxes; “natural gas” explosions, Hastings, Breitbart; uselessness of online customer tracking
1:25:42Peter King: “the NSA has saved thousands of lives, not just in the United States, but also in France and Germany and throughout Europe”; Greenwald’s lawyer, gay porn background
1:30:25Producer Segment: Black Cat No Agenda film sponsorship; URL Googling
1:39:37University of Colorado Halloween costume policy; Canadian school ditches honor roll; origin of “everyone’s a winner” culture, JCD bad podcast segment Obamacare video with free Final Cut Pro loops: “it was very successful”; Joe O’Biden: “the good news is, although it’s not…”; Sebelius on $118M price tag; insider: “these people are idiots”, no version control; Mike Rogers on Pro Flowers
1:57:38CNN Carol: “President Obama’s people can be quite nasty”, “threatening your job”; @vj44
1:59:50Donation Segment: “blood on the Moon” when real estate bubble pops
2:17:34ACC’s APRS handheld NWS alert; for the evergreen file: “I’m concerned, it’s scary”
2:19:31Russian gay propaganda ban; EU 60-page document on toilets and urinals; European banking union, Italian youth unemployment 40%, “far right” Golden Dawn party
2:32:12Something will happen in Egypt on November 4; Muslim Brotherhood’s Al-Aryan arrested
2:33:34“Hey hey, ho ho” Napolitano protest; Mina the Code Pink lady’s “stop spying” glasses
2:37:21Greenland lifts Uranium mining ban; stage zero cancer, “pre-malignant”
2:41:54Automated Insights generated sports story; Lumosity “science of neuroplasticity”; contaminated Mexican, Indian spices; Airo bracelet, automobile black boxes, road tax, NA “slave-compliant” data transmitter, ACC: “oh my Gosh, he ate kale again!”, NA kale e-book
3:02:32Big storms in Europe; Slave Compliance Data Inc; Dragon Day indie film