Call Clooney!

759 Geopolitical Chernobyl (2015-09-24)

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0:00:00ACC: “Start over! Worst show ever!
0:00:32ACC in Jackson Hole with Tina the Keeper, 11am checkout time, running on car battery; 758 “glitches”, Airstream in spot 33; Santa Fe & Colorado Springs meetups; picking up Tina low clearance adventure at Denver International Airport, “blue horse of death”; Cheeba Chews; Wyoming crosswinds; Kerry on refugee resettlement “floor” increases; ACC recommends Bin22; ACC: “were you knocking? you’re an asshole!”
0:18:07“Stinking, sprawling refugee camp” in Lesvos, Afghanistan in the mix; diplomat William Swing: have to “help everyone to learn to manage inexorably growing cultural, ethnic, religious diversity within our countries”, ACC on Fortuyn and van Gogh assassinations, Timmermans on registering refugees promptly; ACC on Volkswagen as possible retaliation, JCD on roadside emissions sensors, graphics card rigging; Hungary and others to sue; Saudi Arabia to head UN Human Rights Council; refugees in Edirne Turkey sent back to Istanbul; clock boy tease
0:38:41Producer Segment
0:50:39Irving TX prohibition on Sharia law; Mark Cuban to Bill Maher on clock boy’s sister prompting; Glenn Beck guest: sister claims to have been suspended for bomb threat, CAIR and “civilization jihad”; Irving Mayor Van Duyne to Glenn Beck: family is not allowing record release, school less than 10% caucasian, “the teacher was reacting to the device”, family no-show for press conference, timing of Obama’s “cool clock kid” tweet; Bill Maher on activist Ali Mohammed al-Nimr to be crucified and beheaded in Saudi Arabia
1:08:04Ben Carson: Muslim President not a good idea, CBS: Trump “slipping”, no religious test in Constitution, Trump on Muslim in White House: “some people have said it already happened”; CAIR on Carson: “unfit to lead”; ABC on Trump “speaking to a half-empty room”; Hillary the birther, Katy Tur quotes Fox News: “Trump doesn’t seem to grasp that candidates telling journalists what to ask is not how the media works in this country”; Mika Brzezinski deconstructs scripted Face the Nation Hillary interview, new Hillary cackle, JCD on Hillary’s “gaggle of bossy women” at Fleur de Lis; FBI recovers “drip drip drip” of e-mails, JCD: “she is Leona Helmsley!”; ACC’s millennial friend reading This Town; cackle in “three words” context
1:37:01Whoopi Goldberg’s take on Planned Parenthood, “get out of my… vagina!”
1:41:35ABC News Star Wars native ad, high school football player Apple Watch native ad
1:43:55Donation Segment: JCD’s /mɛlk/ and /ɛ.lə.noi/ pronunciations
1:55:34Colbert to Elizabeth Warren: “can you tell us why you’d be such a terrible choice to be President of the United States?”; Debbie Wasserman Schultz wants more debates
1:59:17Staged migrant five-year-old with “discrimination” message for Pope, Jersey Vargas: “I won’t stop fighting until immigration reform happens”, different letters on CBS and ABC; Obama’s JFK/MLK intonation, JCD: “he uses the word believers the way a Muslim does”, “interfaith dialogue”; three Supreme Court justices ditch Pope’s address to Congress
2:07:26Hillary’s proposed drug price cap in the wake of toxoplasmosis drug Daraprim price increase, Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli: “we can make a better drug for this disease”; Bill Nye Garden of Eden CotD was fake
2:16:19Xi Jinping visits Boeing, 737s to be built in China, WTO violation
2:22:17Trump invokes global cooling, “I believe there’s weather”
2:24:47Obama to inmates: “thank you for taking the time to meet with me”
2:27:20Eurasia Foundation guy on possibility of Brexit; Petraeus on Syria as “geopolitical Chernobyl”