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815 Political Perp Walk (2016-04-10)

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0:00:00ACC: “Are you really defending Ted Cruz? You know, you know he’s anti-Semite.” (2:07:51); ACC at semi-Obot New York banker cocktail party; three startups looking for venture capital, pharmaceutical Groupon, family intranet app, ACC suggests Bitcoin; “got any weed?” from bedazzled Birkenstocks wearer; “between teardowns”
0:09:18New York banker agrees on Madoff in Panama papers; fire at IRS headquarters and former Madoff partner’s apartment; Treasure Islands author Nicholas Shaxson: Panama “one of the seediest jurisdictions”, US as tax haven, Nevada shell companies; Gerard Ryle: “our clients are the big banks and the big accounting firms”, “top five” meme
0:25:05State Department spokeshole agrees with Matt Lee that Putin’s assertion about US involvement “was not completely wrong”; Ryle on getting “access” for journalists, “we’ve managed to get Vladimir Putin to come out and give a press conference about it”; Deutsche Bank under fire, story absent from most media outlets, spot the spook challenge; ACC: fishy 2.6TB size probably backup tape; JCD story about visiting Swiss mountain data store
0:43:23Comey on putting tape over his laptop camera, JCD story on Mevio camera tape
0:48:32Producer Segment: Seed Man vitamin B-12, “pervy” Glenn Beck
1:07:02Owner of 900 radio stations about to go belly-up; transmitter link porn hack
1:10:08Little fanfare for Operation Fast and Furious document release; triple-tap drone strike in Afghanistan, “they hate our freedom” meme disappearance; Andrew Bacevich to Amy Goodman: fruitless 40 years in Middle East, “arguably, our military efforts are actually making things worse”, JCD: “I actually would have expected her to say, this has what to do with global warming?”, 1980 Carter Doctrine shift in attention to Middle East, JCD on Carter and homelessness, Hands Across America, Bacevich on “first Iraq War”, American exceptionalism
1:24:49Democracy Now on abject failure of $113bn Afghan reconstruction; $3bn Tunisia-Libya wall
1:28:39Transgender woman on North Carolina “toilet law”: we’re not moving out of state; GSAFE document “What the heck is a PGP”, Preferred Gender Pronoun, JCD Jane Austen ze/hir replacement exercise; “calling a male hairdresser a faggot is not homophobic”
1:42:17Bernie Sanders clobbered by Charlie Rose, Sandy Hook vs Iraq deaths, “thank you! always a pleasure”; Bill Clinton responds to BLM, Don’t Mess with Bill jingle; Hillary’s inoperable blood clot, VP predictions
1:58:45Matt Lauer’s Hillary interview, Republican hope for “political perp walk”, FBI “security review” of e-mails, “Hillarytard” Joy Reid: “since the founding fathers has anyone tried to run for president with more on their resumé?”; fake Boston Globe anti-Trump 2017 headlines, “deportations to begin”; Toobin on Cruz’ “New York values”: “money and media is Jews”; new Trump convention manager Paul Manafort, Gerald Ford’s 1976 delegate bribes
2:12:03Mashable pivot from hard news to video
2:14:50Donation Segment
2:22:0840% of student loans behind or in default, JCD: “we’re number one!”
2:24:52Obama’s racist Merrick Garland joke : “yeah, he’s a white guy … sorry”
2:25:57New micro-satellites launchable for $3k, No Agenda relay satellite
2:28:33Daily FBI & DHS surveillance flights over “major US citizens”; TSA’s Peter Neffenger grilled over Atlanta airport gun-running operation: “there’s been a lot of movement to greatly enhance the oversight of that insider population”; more VIPR teams in the future
2:37:47“Hug a Brit” “love bomb” anti-Brexit campaign; “Russian propaganda” and Dutch referendum